来源:Image-to-Image Translation with Conditional Adversarial Nets



  • Photos to semantic segmentation
  • Cityscapes labels to photos
  • Colorization
  • Facades labels to photo
  • Day to night
  • The edges to photo
  • And so on.

cGAN的generator: \[ G:{x, z} → G(x,z) → y \] x: input image, z: noise image, y: real image

Discriminator主要工作即尽量区分开\(G(x,z)\)\(y\) 的区别。而generator则尽量使得Discriminator区分不开。


Objective Function


Network Architecture

Generator with Skips

A defining feature of image-to-image translation problems is that they map a high resolution input grid to a high resolu- tion output grid. In addition, for the problems we consider, the input and output differ in surface appearance, but both are renderings of the same underlying structure. Therefore, structure in the input is roughly aligned with structure in the output. We design the generator architecture around these considerations.


Architecture of Generator

U-net 结构如下图:

U-Net: Convolutional Networks for Biomedical Image Segmentation

Markovian Discriminator

通常判断都是对生成样本整体进行判断,比如对一张图片来说,就是直接看整张照片是否真实。而且Image-to-Image Translation中很多评价是像素对像素的,所以在这里提出了分块判断的算法,在图像的每个\(N\times N\)块上去判断是否为真,最终平均给出结果。


The results in this paper suggest that conditional adver- sarial networks are a promising approach for many image- to-image translation tasks, especially those involving highly structured graphical outputs. These networks learn a loss adapted to the task and data at hand, which makes them ap- plicable in a wide variety of settings.